All users of this site agree that access to and use of this site are subject to the following terms and conditions and other applicable law.
If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, please do not use this web site.
The entire content included within this site, including but not limited to text, graphics, logos, color scheme, intellectual properties, visual appearance, design layout, trade marks(s), trade name(s), trade dress, or code is copyrighted as a collective work under the United States of America, international and other applicable copyright laws, and is the sole property of ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc. The collective work includes works that are licensed to ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc.. Copyright 2002, ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc., all rights reserved. Permission is granted to electronically print out hard copy portions of this site for the sole purpose of placing an order with ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, inc., or with purchasing products through ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc.. You may display and, subject to any expressly stated restrictions or limitations relating to specific material, download or print portions of the material from the different areas of the site solely for your own non-commercial use, or to place an order with products or to purchase products through ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc.. Any other use, including but not limited to the reproduction, distribution, infringements of trademark or trade dress, display or transmission of the content of this site is strictly prohibited without the written authorization and consent from ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, inc.
All trademarks, trade dress, service marks, and trade names of ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc., used herein (including, but not limited to the ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc., it's trademark name SkateNow, logo design(s), web site design(s), color scheme(s), ornamental or decorative use(s)), are trademarks, trade dress, or registered trademarks and property of ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc.. and, shall not be used in any form for any purpose (in words, connected or not, of any font, nor in any perceived decorative or ornamental use, or images), without written consent and/or authorization of it's owner(s). All trademarks, trade dress, service marks and trade names of the products represented and used herein (including but not limited to the product manufactures name, logo designs, and product graphic images, including decorative or ornamental use) are trademarks, trade dress or registered trademarks of the respective manufacturers. See manufactures web page for further legal information. SkateNow and it's pseudonym Skate Now, is a registered trademark.
‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc. does not represent or warrant that the functions contained in the site will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that this site or the server that makes the site available are free of viruses or other harmful components. ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc. does not make any warranties or representations regarding the use of the materials in this site in terms of their correctness, accuracy, adequacy, usefulness, timeliness, reliability or otherwise. The above limitations may not apply to you.
‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc. shall not be liable for any special or consequential damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use or understand, the materials on this site, and/or the performance and/or assembly of the products sold through this web site/shop location, even if ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, inc. has been advised of the possibility of such damage. Buyers/customer(including end user if not customer) assumes any and all risks of injury, or otherwise, associated with the purchase and use of goods sold herein, and agrees to hold harmless the SKATENOW shop, inc (aka skateNOW, inc), and forever releases skateNOW, inc and its representatives/associates from liability arising out of injury associated with product use. Applicable law may not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability or incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.
Please note that this site uses American English. In the event a product is listed at an incorrect price, or contains minor typographical errors within its product description, or contains either typographical error or error in pricing information received from our suppliers, ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc. shall have the right to refuse, adjust, or cancel accordingly any orders placed for products listed at the incorrect price and/or containing minor typographical errors. ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, illc. shall have the right to refuse, adjust, or cancel any such orders whether or not the order has been confirmed and your credit card charged. If your credit card has already been charged for the purchase and your order is cancelled, ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc. shall issue a credit to your credit card account in the amount of the incorrect price.
These terms and conditions are applicable to you upon accessing the site and/or completing a registration or shopping process. These terms and conditions, or any of them, may be terminated by ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc. without notice at any time for any reason. The provisions relating to Copyrights, Trademark, Disclaimer, Limitation of Liability, Indemnification and Miscellaneous, shall survive any termination.
‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc. may deliver notice to you by means of electronic mail, a general notice on the site, or by written communication delivered mail to your address on record in ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc. account information.
Harassment in any manner or form on the web site, including via e-mail, chat or by obscene or abusive language is strictly forbidden. Impersonation of others, including a ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc. or other licensed employees, hosts, representatives as well as other members or visitors on the site is prohibited.
You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc., its officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors and suppliers (collectively the "Service Providers") from and against all losses, expenses, damages and costs, including reasonable solicitors’ fees, resulting from any violation of these terms and conditions or any activity related to your account (including negligent or wrongful conduct) by you or any other person accessing the site using your Internet account. ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc. does not assume any liability as a result of the use of any information contained in at this web site. ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc. does not assume any liability as a result of use of any link contained in the ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc. web site. Skating activities have inherent / potential hazards, which need to be evaluated for each person based on that person's circumstances and active willingness to engage in the sport of skating. Due to the nature of some products shipping or received in assembled/un-assembled condition, you as a buyer/consumer, shall fully assume any/all responsibly for any associated/subsequent assembly required with and/or checking all parts and equipment for proper assembly(before using), and maintain your equipment properly. SkateNow, llc. is not responsible for consumer negligence or ignorance or any damage to goods/products due to improper use, wrongful assembly or neglect. By your use of the information or products provided by ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc., you recognize the foregoing and agree to hold harmless ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc., from any liability as a result of your use of the product or information. Use of the ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc. site is at the user's sole risk. Under no circumstances shall ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc., Inc. be responsible for incidental or consequential damages or direct or indirect damages, that result from your use of the information at the ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc. web site. ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc.. makes no warranty or representation regarding results you may obtain from using any products or information offered on the ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc. web site. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages; therefore, this disclaimer of liability is limited to the extent of disclaimer permitted under each state's law.
In an attempt to provide increased value to our visitors, ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc. may choose various third-party web sites to link to from its own site. However, even if the third party is affiliated with ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc. , ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc. has no control over these linked sites, all of which have separate privacy and data collection practices, independent of ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc.. ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc. has no responsibility or liability for these independent policies or actions and is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such web sites. These linked sites are only for your convenience and therefore you access them at your own risk. Nonetheless, ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc. seeks to protect the integrity of its web site and the links placed upon it and therefore requests any feedback on not only its own site, but for sites it links to as well (including if a specific link does not work).
Prices shown are subject to change without notice. ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc., is not responsible for errors made in pricing, product descriptions, or shipping costs of any product shown on this web site. We periodically update site to make every effort to present product images, descriptions and pricing information as accurately as possible. However, some images may not exactly represent the current product color or style. Please call for current information. Some skates come from the factory pre-assembled and boxed, and do not have adjustments that can be made to them. We have no control over the assembly or adjustments made to these skates. All custom and package set-ups for ice and inline skates are made to order. These skates are assembled by experienced professionals or come assembled from the product manufacturer. We make every effort to insure that assembly and mountings are done professionally. Since everyone has their own preference for how the skates are adjusted, i.e.. loose or tight, we do not try to tighten the frames, blades, or wheels down to any specific taste. Therefore, when you receive your skates, you are responsible to please check all assembly, and adjustments before skating, so they are safe and adjusted to your specific preference. Additionally, nuts and bolts can loosen during shipment, please check out your skates before skating for the first time to prevent any injury from parts coming loose.
Warranty Stock Products: All issues arising out of manufactures product defects will be determined by the manufacture and are subject to the manufactures' respective product warranty terms and conditions. SkateNow, llc. does not make any express or implied warranty on any products sold through 'the SkateNow shop' on manufactures behalf. Any products returned for warranty / defect issues must be within manufactures specified time limits for their respective product warranty. SkateNow, llc. will work with you and the manufacture to resolve any legitimate warranty / product defect problems. You must have original receipt or proof of purchase of the product(s) through the SKATENOW shop, a legitimate/authorized manufactures' dealer/retailer. the SkateNow shop does not administer warranty claim form products purchased elsewhere. No warranty will be accepted or handled through our shop for any second-hand, e-bay type purchases, or purchases through non-authorized or other dealers of products. Most manufactures will not warranty minor surface scratches, stitching issues, or minor cosmetic blemishes on their products, where they do not impact the products performance. Wear, or miss-treatment or accidental damages to product(s) is not warrantied. All warranties may be subject to applicable shipping fees in association with return/replacement products.
Warranty Custom Boot Products: are warranted under manufacturer’s individual/limited product warranty. We will make every effort to assure your custom boots are made the way you requested with the manufacturer. However, we cannot be responsible for manufacturer defects, etc. In event your custom boots are defective in any way, we will work with the manufacturer to re-design, correct the problem, or re-build the boot to your original specifications. Note that the boot maker may defer any associated shipping costs with the re-make/corrections to custom boots (whether deemed defective or not ) to the customer.
New goods: ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc. shall not be liable for any special or consequential damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use or understand, the materials on this site, and/or the performance and/or assembly of the products sold through this web site/shop location, even if ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc. has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Buyers/customer(including end user, if not the customer) assumes any and all risks of injury, or otherwise, associated with the purchase and use of goods sold herein, and agrees to hold harmless the SKATENOW shop, llc (aka skateNOW, llc), and forever releases skateNOW, llc and its representatives/associates/employees from liability arising out of injury associated with product use. Applicable law may not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability or incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.
Close-out items: These are new goods which are generally discontinued, or older stock models, etc., that have been further discounted, and offered at reduced price, and listed as "close out" items. Discounted or reduced priced items can be older stock, former display items, and/or may have minor cosmetic blemishes (as acceptable by the manufactures), and in new, un-used condition. Most close-out items may be exchanged for store credit only. Contact ‘the SkateNow shop’ for more details.
Used Goods: the skatenow shop assumes no liability or responsibility for the condition of the products sold through the consignment shop. the SkateNow shop does not represent either the sellers or buyers, this site functions only as a merchandise listing / message board for re-sale of new/used skate goods, products the SkateNow shop does not directly represent. the SkateNow shop functions in limited capacity as a broker/ catalyst for the purpose of assisting in transactions between the seller and buyer of used skate goods. Sellers are required to provide as much detailed and accurate information as possible regarding items description to be posted to potential buyers, description must contain enough information for buyers to make informed decisions about their purchases. Items sold through the consignment shop are not warranted by either manufacturer's warranty or the SkateNow shop.
Not all consignment, demo, or used products may be available at time of order. Products as these are limited quantity, and orders are filled on first come first served, and may not be available at time of order purchase. Please call/write to confirm availability before placing order. Items on Consignment and not returnable or refundable, choose carefully. Further terms & conditions are available on the Consignment Listing page.
All prices shown are subject to change without notice. ‘the SkateNow shop’ by SkateNow, llc., is not responsible for errors made in prices, descriptions, or shipping costs of any product shown on this web site. Prices as posted, are set by manufacturers, and are subject tot change. We do not accept 'offers' on goods sold. Many products are imported directly from manufactures abroad, and prices can/will change frequently depending upon global economical influences on the US dollar, of which we have no direct control. If you want to see lower prices and a stronger UDS, send you comments to the president of the United States. Further, all product prices are shown in and transacted in USD$ [aka USA dollar]. SKATENOW does not accept any other form of currency other than the USD$ for purchases through this web site or in it's retail shop location(s). SkateNow is not responsible for differentials in foreign currency amounts, which may occur in refund/exchange transaction processing, as result of market currency fluctuations in respect to currency exchange rates at time of order and/or at time of refund/exchange processing. All charges, and any subsequent refunds, when conducting business with SKATENOW are transacted in USD$. Any higher currency exchange rates and/or additional fees imposed to you (the customer) on international transactions with our shop, may experience, as result of market currency exchange rate fluctuations, and/or as imposed by your credit card company, or via PayPal (when using PayPal with international order transaction processing), or bank(in case of wire fund transfers), are sole responsibility of you the customer (and, your respective bank, or card issuing bank, or PayPal account), and outside of SkateNow, llc.'s responsibilities to customers using foreign or domestic credit cards, PayPal, or wire fund transfers for purchases through through this web site.
Visit the Payment Polices Page for additional detailed information.
All Prices are in US Dollars unless otherwise noted. Payments must be made in US currency. SkateNOW accepts the following types of payments: Major Credit Cards (master card, visa, american express & discover), PayPal, Money Orders, Cash, Wire Transfer, E-check, or Personal Check.
Online payments, thru paypal, square, or other merchant processor: As policy we do not ship to unconfirmed or non-verified accounts, or unconfirmed addresses. If the account or shipping address provided is un-confirmed, or the shipping address is different than your billing credit card address, and/or your account is non-verified, and/or you request items to be shipped to another address, we will request the order payment to be made by pre-paid wire fund bank transfer, no exceptions, and we will not accept paypal or credit card for these type transactions. If the customers fails to respond to account verification processing, we will cancel and refund the order.
Please note: Personal checks or e-checks are subject to standard 7-10 day transaction clearance period prior to your order processing/shipping. Once payment has cleared, your order will process and ship. A $25 fee applies on all NSF or returned checks. No products will ship without verified payment.
Visit the Payment Polices Page for additional detailed information.
All shipping rates posted on this website are for Domestic, Regular Ground Shipping within the 48 contiguous United States of America. Alaska & Hawaii additional shipping & handling fees apply.
Domestic, USA Delivery Shipping Fees, rates effective Jan 2024, subject to change.
Fees are based upon both shipping and handling.
Base shipping fees are calculated by order amount, item size, volume, and weight.
Your order is insured with tracking for your protection and ours, if lost, stolen, or damaged in transit.
We do not waive shipping fees, we're a small boutique specialty store.
Shipping fees are non-refundable, no exceptions.
If you provide a wrong address, and your order is returned you will be invoiced for an additional shipping charge for re-shipping.
Shipments not received: If you do not receive your order, but shipping tracking show it was delivered, that is not a retailer problem. That is a shipper problem. You need to contact the shipper and file a claim with the shipping service.
Surcharges will apply to orders over 10# weight/over-sized. See Shipping Polices Page for additional detailed Shipping Policy information.
You are welcome to use and shop with us on this web site. All prices are noted in USD$ currency, and all transaction are processing in USD$ (USA dollars). Please note, your bank may impose additional international transaction fees when using credit card, paypal, square/stripe, or if paying via wire fund transfer to complete your order transactions. You are solely responsible for those and/or any other applicable transaction fees which may occur as consequences of foreign payment processing, as imposed by your bank. All international orders are, and will be, subject to applicable additional international shipping & handling fees, those fees are collected from buyers prior to releasing the order shipment. S&H fees shown in shopping cart at time of check out are only applicable to those orders delivering within the contiguous United States of America. We do kindly ask foreign and international customers to contact us in advance for shipping quotes prior to ordering direct online, and we will assist you through your transaction. For foreign deliveries, outside the USA, including Alaska & Hawaii, the shipping & handling fees vary. Additionally, your orders may be subject to further applicable customs duties and respective country taxation upon importation to your destination country. We suggest to be advised of these county imposed taxes and fees prior to ordering with your shop. For more detailed information please see the Shipping Policies page for more information re: International Shipping Rates & Policies of the SkateNow shop, llc.
See Shipping Polices Page for additional detailed Shipping Policy information.
Account Information: You can access, correct, or delete certain information stored within your online account at any time by logging into your online account.
Promotional Communications & Opt Out: You may opt out of receiving promotional communications from skateNOW by following the instructions in those communications or changing your preferences here. If you opt out of receiving promotional communications, we may still send you non-promotional emails, such as emails about your purchases, account, membership, or our ongoing business relations, including information about your rewards and our initiatives and activities.
Read in full detail the Privacy Polices Page.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns about this Policy or about our privacy practices, please call Customer Service at 1-801-944-5516 (USA and Canada), or send an email message to contact@skateNOW.US. You may also direct your privacy-related comments or questions to the following address:
‘the SKATENOW shop’, is a retail company owned by SkateNow, llc
Mailing address & Contact information:
the SKATENOW shop, llc,
Box#52864, Salt Lake City, UT 84152, USA
Phone/Email: 801.944.5516 / contact@skatenow.us